How to debug stream().map(...) with lambda expressions?

I usually have no problem debugging lambda expressions while using Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. Just set a breakpoint and be sure not to inspect the whole lambda expression (inspect only the lambda body).

Debugging Lambdas

Another approach is to use peek to inspect the elements of the stream:

List<Integer> naturals = Arrays.asList(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13);
    .map(n -> n * 2)


I think you're getting confused because map is an intermediate operation - in other words: it is a lazy operation which will be executed only after a terminal operation was executed. So when you call -> n * 2) the lambda body isn't being executed at the moment. You need to set a breakpoint and inspect it after a terminal operation was called (collect, in this case).

Check Stream Operations for further explanations.


Quoting Holger's comment:

What makes it tricky here is that the call to map and the lambda expression are in one line so a line breakpoint will stop on two completely unrelated actions.

Inserting a line break right after map( would allow you to set a break point for the lambda expression only. And it’s not unusual that debuggers don’t show intermediate values of a return statement. Changing the lambda to n -> { int result=n * 2; return result; } would allow you to inspect result. Again, insert line breaks appropriately when stepping line by line…

IntelliJ has such a nice plugin for this case as a Java Stream Debugger plugin. You should check it out:

It extends the IDEA Debugger tool window by adding the Trace Current Stream Chain button, which becomes active when debugger stops inside of a chain of Stream API calls.

It has nice interface for working with separate streams operations and gives you opportunity to follow some values that u should debug.

Java Stream Debugger

You can launch it manually from the Debug window by clicking here:

enter image description here