How to declare the type for local variables using PHPDoc notation?

Both answers are wrong*, strictly speaking:

/** @var MyJobObject $job */

Is correct - the type is always the first argument, then you put a description or specify the variable itselfs.


Otherweise, every modern PHP IDE is able to recognize almost any kind of comment syntax:

// @var
/* @var */
/** @var */
/* @var
# @var

The most common, most readable and most widely accepted form is

/** @var <type> [variable [comment]] */

 * @var <type> [variable [comment]] 

PSR-5 (Proposed)

PSR-19 (Draft)

*) In 2013 the syntax might have been different.

You have to use the one-line form: /** @var $job MyJobObject */

Note that some editors prefer the syntax the other way around: /** @var MyJobObject $job */

You shoud do on top of your view / template file.

/* @var $job MyJobObject */