how to declare variable javascript code example
Example 1: js variables
//Making variables with let:
let numberOfFriends = 1;
numberOfFriends += 3; //numberOfFriends is now 4
// Variables with const
const minimumAge = 21; //CANNOT REASSIGN!
//Booleans - true or false values
let isHappy = true;
//Naming Conventions
// Use upper camel-cased names:
let numberOfChickens = 6; //GOOD
// let number_of_chickens = 6;
Example 2: variable javascript
//You can make a variable by using:
var variable-name = 'defenition of the variable';
// Or you can use
let variable-name = 'defenition of the variable';
Example 3: how to define variable in javascript
var <variable-name>;
var <variable-name> = <value>;
Example 4: js variables
// let & var are both editable variables:
var cow = 'moo';
let pig = 'oink';
cow = 10;
pig = 10;
// const is a permanent variable; you cannot change it.
const uncuttableGrass = '\/\/';
uncuttableGrass = '___';
// above throws an error