how to decode apollo client graphql error: bad request code example
Example: how to decode apollo client graphql error: bad request
import _ from 'lodash'
//... define other apollo link chains etc
const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
if (graphQLErrors) => {
if (process.env.DEV) {
console.error(`[apollo]-9: graphQLErrors: %o`, error);
console.error(`[apollo]-10: graphQLErrors stackTrace: %o`, _.get(error, 'extensions.exception.stacktrace'));
const message = _.get(error, '[0].messages[0].message',
_.get(error, 'extensions.exception.stacktrace[0]'));
// grab the correct error message nested deep inside instead of something like BAD Request etc.
error.code = _.get(error, 'extensions.code');
error.status = _.get(error, 'extensions.exception.code', error.code);
error.message = `[${error.path}]-(${error.status}) ${message}`;
if (networkError) {
if (process.env.DEV) console.error(`[apollo]-22: [Network Error]: %o`, networkError);
// Create the apollo client instance
export default new ApolloClient({
link: authLink.concat(errorLink.concat(link)),
// This creates individual errors that are more descriptive and precise,
// which you can catch in app and handle with grace.
// During devlopment I use lines 8-11 to see the actual
// errors in console instead of just 'Bad Request'
// without going to devtools network tab to
// find and analyse the failed graphql request.
// This also gives you lines on the server where error occured.
//Author: Emmanuel Mahuni