How to define a comma separated list of arguments for includegraphics

Just define new keys:


\define@key{Gin}{settingsA}[]{\setkeys{Gin}{width=\textwidth, angle=90}}
\define@key{Gin}{settingsB}[]{\setkeys{Gin}{page=1, scale=.1}}
\define@key{Gin}{settingsC}[]{\setkeys{Gin}{angle=-90, scale=.5}}






enter image description here

A bit of explanation. The graphicx package relies on keyval provided key-value syntax and reserves Gin (Graphic inclusion) as the family name of the keys for \includegraphics. A new key is simply added by

\define@key{Gin}{<name>}[<default value>]{<code>}

The \includegraphics[<options>]{file} command will do


and every known key will be processed. The default empty value given for settingsA and so on is so that you can simply type settingsA without =something.

One could even improve it; say that in settingsC you want to be able to vary the angle; with

\define@key{Gin}{settingsC}[-90]{\setkeys{Gin}{angle=#1, scale=.5}}

you can specify settingsC for the angle to be -90 or


for the angle to be 45.

Caveat Be sure not to define an already existing key: \define@key would silently overwrite it.

Make your own include graphics command. Something like the following:


The problem with your code is that in the construction


The unexpanded \settingsA is getting passed to the key parser where it will fail to match any keys. By using the above command, you can write something like,


By using \expandafter, \settingsA will be expanded by the time \includegraphics has a chance to pass the optional arguments to its parser.