How to define a new environment with old environment by setting the optional parameter?

Use \question and \endquestion:

\title{Introduction to Latex}





Review the documentation for your compiler and determine what
file naming convention it uses. Compile and Run the main
program from page 2.


That's a known “problem” with exsheets.

enter image description here

Actually I'd define


so you can specify additional options to myquestion.

I suggest to use \NewQuSolPair instead of fiddling with \question and \endquestion, because that's the way how other than the predefined environments question and solution can be used.

Since I neither have Chinese fonts on my hard disk nor do I understand Chinese language or can read Chinese at all, I switched from ctexbook to book class.

\title{Introduction to Latex}


                Review the documentation for your compiler and determine what file naming convention it uses. Compile and Run the main program from page 2.

                  $E = mc^{2}$

enter image description here