How to define a table column to always be a math equation, while others are text?


\begin{tabular}{@{} l >{$}r<{$} @{\kern1.4pt} >{$}l<{$} @{}}
Euler's formula  &    e^{i\phi} &= \cos\phi + i\sin\phi \\
Euler's identity & 1 + e^{i\pi} &= 0\\


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The default tabular header is the definition for

-----------col 1---------- ------------col 2 ---------- ---------- col 3---------
\tabcolsep TEXT \tabcolsep \tabcolsep $MATH$ \tabcolsep \tabcolsep $MATH$ \tabcolsep

With @{...} I can replace the default length \tabcolsep where @{} ignores this additional horizontal space. Is it between two columns then it replaces both \tabcolsep