How to delete a directory and its contents in (POSIX) C?

Use the nftw() (File Tree Walk) function, with the FTW_DEPTH flag. Provide a callback that just calls remove() on the passed file:

#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ftw.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int unlink_cb(const char *fpath, const struct stat *sb, int typeflag, struct FTW *ftwbuf)
    int rv = remove(fpath);

    if (rv)

    return rv;

int rmrf(char *path)
    return nftw(path, unlink_cb, 64, FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS);

I just cracked open the GNU rm source and see what exactly it does:

rm relies on the following functions:


which have man pages on both linux and mac.

  1. You need to use nftw() (or possibly ftw()) to traverse the hierarchy.
  2. You need to use unlink() to remove files and other non-directories.
  3. You need to use rmdir() to remove (empty) directories.

You would be better off using nftw() (rather than ftw()) since it gives you controls such as FTW_DEPTH to ensure that all files under a directory are visited before the directory itself is visited.

You can write own implementation command "rm -rf" on pure the C programming language. Source code based only on headers: dirent.h, sys/stat.h and unistd.h. If you need portable code to other systems, as example to the Windows, you need only change headers with corresponding functionality, at the same time the algorithm will not be changed.

A file rmtree.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

// POSIX dependencies
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>

rmtree(const char path[])
    size_t path_len;
    char *full_path;
    DIR *dir;
    struct stat stat_path, stat_entry;
    struct dirent *entry;

    // stat for the path
    stat(path, &stat_path);

    // if path does not exists or is not dir - exit with status -1
    if (S_ISDIR(stat_path.st_mode) == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "Is not directory", path);

    // if not possible to read the directory for this user
    if ((dir = opendir(path)) == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", "Can`t open directory", path);

    // the length of the path
    path_len = strlen(path);

    // iteration through entries in the directory
    while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) {

        // skip entries "." and ".."
        if (!strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(entry->d_name, ".."))

        // determinate a full path of an entry
        full_path = calloc(path_len + strlen(entry->d_name) + 1, sizeof(char));
        strcpy(full_path, path);
        strcat(full_path, "/");
        strcat(full_path, entry->d_name);

        // stat for the entry
        stat(full_path, &stat_entry);

        // recursively remove a nested directory
        if (S_ISDIR(stat_entry.st_mode) != 0) {

        // remove a file object
        if (unlink(full_path) == 0)
            printf("Removed a file: %s\n", full_path);
            printf("Can`t remove a file: %s\n", full_path);

    // remove the devastated directory and close the object of it
    if (rmdir(path) == 0)
        printf("Removed a directory: %s\n", path);
        printf("Can`t remove a directory: %s\n", path);


main(const int argc, char const *argv[])
    if (argc != 2) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Missing single operand: path\n");
        return -1;


    return 0;

Examine it.

I am use a shell script for generation a file/folder structure.

$ cat 

mkdir -p dir1/{dir1.1,dir1.2,dir1.3}
mkdir -p dir1/dir1.2/{dir1.2.1,dir1.2.2,dir1.2.3}
mkdir -p dir2/{dir2.1,dir2.2}
mkdir -p dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.1
mkdir -p dir2/dir2.2/{dir2.2.1,dir2.2.2}
mkdir -p dir3/dir3.1
mkdir -p dir4
mkdir -p dir5

touch dir1/dir1.1/file.scala
touch dir1/dir1.2/file.scala
touch dir2/dir2.2/{file.c,file.cpp}
touch dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2/{file.go,file.rb}
touch dir3/{file.js,}
touch dir3/dir3.1/{file.c,file.cpp}
> dir4/

Run the script

$ ./ 

Generated the file/folder structure

$ tree
├── dir1
│   ├── dir1.1
│   │   └── file.scala
│   ├── dir1.2
│   │   ├── dir1.2.1
│   │   ├── dir1.2.2
│   │   ├── dir1.2.3
│   │   └── file.scala
│   └── dir1.3
├── dir2
│   ├── dir2.1
│   └── dir2.2
│       ├── dir2.2.1
│       ├── dir2.2.2
│       │   ├── file.go
│       │   └── file.rb
│       ├── file.c
│       └── file.cpp
├── dir3
│   ├── dir3.1
│   │   ├── file.c
│   │   └── file.cpp
│   ├──
│   └── file.js
├── dir4
│   └──
├── dir5
├── rmtree.c

16 directories, 13 files

Build the source code of the file rmtree.c by the GCC

$ cc -o -Wall -Werror -o rmtree rmtree.c

Remove a directory dir1/dir1.1

$ ./rmtree dir1/dir1.1
Removed a file: dir1/dir1.1/file.scala
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.1

Remove a directory dir1/dir1.2

$ ./rmtree dir1/dir1.2
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.2/dir1.2.3
Removed a file: dir1/dir1.2/file.scala
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.2/dir1.2.1
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.2/dir1.2.2
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.2

Remove a directory dir1/

$ ./rmtree dir1
Removed a directory: dir1/dir1.3
Removed a directory: dir1

Remove a directory dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2

$ ./rmtree dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2
Removed a file: dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2/file.rb
Removed a file: dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2/file.go
Removed a directory: dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.2

Remove a directory dir2/

$ ./rmtree dir2
Removed a directory: dir2/dir2.1
Removed a file: dir2/dir2.2/file.c
Removed a directory: dir2/dir2.2/dir2.2.1
Removed a file: dir2/dir2.2/file.cpp
Removed a directory: dir2/dir2.2
Removed a directory: dir2

Remove a directory dir3/dir3.1

$ ./rmtree dir3/dir3.1
Removed a file: dir3/dir3.1/file.c
Removed a file: dir3/dir3.1/file.cpp
Removed a directory: dir3/dir3.1

Remove a directory dir3

$ ./rmtree dir3
Removed a file: dir3/file.js
Removed a file: dir3/
Removed a directory: dir3

Remove a directory dir4

$ ./rmtree dir4
Removed a file: dir4/
Removed a directory: dir4

Remove a empty directory dir5

$ ./rmtree dir5
Removed a directory: dir5

If a passed path is not exists or is not path of a directory, you will can see next:

$ ./rmtree rmtree.c
Is not directory: rmtree.c
$ ./rmtree 11111111111111111
Is not directory: 11111111111111111

See results

$ tree
├── rmtree
├── rmtree.c

0 directories, 3 files

Testing environment

$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Debian
Description:    Debian GNU/Linux 8.7 (jessie)
Release:    8.7
Codename:   jessie
$ uname -a
Linux localhost 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cc --version
cc (Debian 4.9.2-10) 4.9.2



