how to delete a message using a discord bot code example
Example 1: discord delete message
"create a variable called id"
var id
"then inside your client message statement change id -> id ="
client.on('message', message => {
id =
"inside your command type message.fetch(id).then(msg => msg.delete());"
if (message.content === !test)
message.fetch(id).then(msg => msg.delete());
Example 2: discord bot remove message
import discord.ext
bot = commands.Bot(";")
async def on_message(message):
if message.content.upper().startswith(";SAY"):
args = message.content.split(" ")
await bot.send_message(, "%s" % (" ".join(args[1:])))
await bot.delete_message(message)
Example 3: make the bot delete its own message
await ctx.send('You don\'t have the permission to use this command', delete_after=5)