How to delete all glacier data?

The purge-vault from this project works nicely:

Install, then run these commands (replace vault-name with the name of your vault):

mtglacier retrieve-inventory --config glacier.cfg --vault vault-name

wait for about 2 hours, and then

mtglacier download-inventory --config glacier.cfg --vault vault-name --new-journal vault-name.log
mtglacier purge-vault --config glacier.cfg --vault vault-name --journal vault-name.log was created for this exact purpose.

To remove a vault, first install the dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd glacier-vault-remove
$ python install

Then create a credentials file, credentials.json in the same directory:


Then run the script like this


Example :

$ python us-east-1 my_vault

If you remove a Glacier-backed folder in Arq it goes into Arq's trash. If you select it in Arq's trash and click "Delete Permanently", Arq will delete all the Glacier archives and attempt to delete the Glacier vault. The vault delete might fail because Amazon has to update its "inventory", which it does once/day. The next day, browse under "Other Backup Sets" in Arq, find that vault, select it and click "Delete" to delete it.

If you have a vault that's not associated with any Arq backups, pick "Legacy Glacier Vaults" from Arq's menu, select the vault, and click the button to delete.