How to delete documents from Elasticsearch
Since you are not giving a document id while indexing your document, you have to get the auto-generated document id from the return value and delete according to the id. Or you can define the id yourself, try the following:
db.index(index="reestr",doc_type="some_type",id=1919, body=doc)
In the other case, you need to look into return value;
r = db.index(index="reestr",doc_type="some_type", body=doc)
# r = {u'_type': u'some_type', u'_id': u'AU36zuFq-fzpr_HkJSkT', u'created': True, u'_version': 1, u'_index': u'reestr'}
Another example for delete_by_query. Let's say after adding several documents with name='Jacobian', run the following to delete all documents with name='Jacobian':
db.delete_by_query(index='reestr',doc_type='some_type', q={'name': 'Jacobian'})
One can also do something like this:
def delete_by_ids(index, ids):
query = {"query": {"terms": {"_id": ids}}}
res = es.delete_by_query(index=index, body=query)
# Pass index and list of id that you want to delete.
delete_by_ids('my_index', ['test1', 'test2', 'test3'])
Which will perform the delete operation on bulk data
The Delete-By-Query API was removed from the ES core in version 2 for several reasons. This function became a plugin. You can look for more details here:
Why Delete-By-Query is a plugin
Delete By Query Plugin
Because I didn't want to add another dependency (because I need this later to run in a docker image) I wrote an own function solving this problem. My solution is to search for all quotes with the specified index and type. After that I remove them using the Bulk API:
def delete_es_type(es, index, type_):
count = es.count(index, type_)['count']
response =
body={"size": count, "query": {"filtered" : {"filter" : {
"type" : {"value": type_ }}}}})
ids = [x["_id"] for x in response["hits"]["hits"]]
if len(ids) > 0:
bulk_body = [
'{{"delete": {{"_index": "{}", "_type": "{}", "_id": "{}"}}}}'
.format(index, type_, x) for x in ids]
# es.indices.flush_synced([index])
except elasticsearch.exceptions.TransportError as ex:
print("Elasticsearch error: " + ex.error)
raise ex
I hope that helps future googlers ;)