How to delete in linq to sql?

Inserted_LINQDataContext db = new Inserted_LINQDataContext();
                Item itm = new Item();
                int ID = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox1.Text);
                var DeleteID = from d in db.Items
                               where == ID
                               select d;
                Label2.Text = "Record deleted Successfully.";
                TextBox1.Text = "";

where Item is Table name, Linserted_LINQDataContext is your Linq DB name, id is the Column name in Item table. Items is the alias name of Item table in linq.

this is a simple way to delete row from table by linq query.may be it helps .

        var summary_delete = database.summeries.Find(id);

        var delete = database.summeries.Remove(summary_delete);


reference :

        SupportDataDataContext Retrive = new SupportDataDataContext();
        //  SupportDataDataContext delete = new SupportDataDataContext();

        Topic res = Retrive.GetTable<Topic>().Single(t => t.ID == topicID);

        if (res != null)

You have several questions in your one question, but I will start with the simplest, about attaching, if you already have the primary key. If you don't have the primary key then I have always just done a fetch then a delete, but, whenever I do a fetch I tend to store the primary key for updates and deletes.

It will delete off of the primary key, but if you have that then just attach as I do below and call delete. I don't pass around the object needed by DLINQ as I want to be able to change it if I want, so I pass in a different User object and just pull the PK from the business class and put it into the DAO class.

var db = new MeatRequestDataContext();            
if (input.UserID > 0)
     entity = new User()
         UserID = input.UserID