How to delete local file with fs.unlink?

I bet you want to delete file inside project directory. Try with this (dot before "/"):

fs.unlink("./public/images/uploads/"+req.file.filename, (err) => {
        if (err) {
            console.log("failed to delete local image:"+err);
        } else {
            console.log('successfully deleted local image');                                

You missed a part of the path. What you're showing is not enough, but it can be fixed in the following way:

For example, the path I got of a file is the following:


But actually the path is


Here, the "MEANCourse" is my project name, and "backend" is the top-level folder name as "src", but when the path was produced automatically, the top-level folder was ignored.

So I added "backend" to the path, and it started to work.

You have to find out what part is missing in your case.

You do not need to use c:\ for you may not be in the windows environment. Also, you may be finally executing this in cloud etc. Instead, use a relative directory by using __dirname. Like, if using backtick, do ${__dirname} then add the rest of the directory, relative to the javascript file your code is in.