How to demonstrate leadership quality

'leadership' quality

The achievements and skills that you describe are more capabilities of an independent and respected researcher in your field.

Evidence of leadership usually pertains to roles at different groups. The more traditional "leadership" activities are usually representative or publicity roles for your department or college. Committees, uni groups, local community groups that reflect your research area and you are able to represent your uni/college. Representative roles at your professional association, invited government roles, leadership roles at conferences or journals, etc. This university gives some examples of the expected evidence for each academic level - James Cook University Academic Promotion Evidence

There are "non-traditional" activities that has done well for other professors that I know. One professor's blog became a world leader in the field with a great list of contributors and research stemming from her blog which supported her academic promotion. Another professor runs a great Facebook group that has become a defacto society/research group for her small field. Anything that points to respect and trust from a group seems to be good indicators for leadership.