How to deploy heroku app with secret yaml configuration file without committing the file?
Heroku have some guidance on this -
An alternative solution is to create a new local-branch where you modify .gitignore so secret-file can be pushed to heroku. DON'T push this branch to your Github repo.
To push non-master branch to heroku, use:
git push heroku secret-branch:master
More info can be found on:
Use heroku run bash
and then ls
to check whether your secret-file have been pushed on to heroku or not
Store the s3 credentials in environment variables.
$ cd myapp
$ heroku config:add S3_KEY=8N029N81 S3_SECRET=9s83109d3+583493190
Adding config vars:
S3_KEY => 8N029N81
S3_SECRET => 9s83109d3+583493190
Restarting app...done.
In your app:
:access_key_id => ENV['S3_KEY'],
:secret_access_key => ENV['S3_SECRET']
See the Heroku Config Vars documentation which explain development setup etc.