How to dereference fields when printing?

package main

import (

type SomeTest struct {
    someVal string

func (this *SomeTest) String() string {
    return this.someVal

func main() {
    fmt.Println(&SomeTest{"You can see this now"})

Anything that provides the Stringer interface will be printed with it's String() method. To implement stringer, you only need to implement String() string. To do what you want, you'd have to implement Stringer for SomeStruct (in your case, dereference somePointer and do something with that).

You're attempting to print a struct that contains a pointer. When you print the struct, it's going to print the values of the types contained - in this case the pointer value of a string pointer.

You can't dereference the string pointer within the struct because then it's no longer accurately described by the struct and you can't dereference the struct because it's not a pointer.

What you can do is dereference the string pointer, but not from within the struct.

func main() {
    pointer := SomeStruct{&somePointer{"I want to see what is in here"}}.somePointer

output: {I want to see what is in here}

You can also just print the specific value from within the Println:

func main() {
    fmt.Println(SomeStruct{&somePointer{"I want to see what is in here"}}.somePointer)

output: &{I want to see what is in here}

Another thing to try is Printf:

func main() {
    structInstance := SomeStruct{&somePointer{"I want to see what is in here"}}

output: {%!s(*main.somePointer=&{I want to see what is in here})}

There is a great package called go-spew. Does exactly what you want.

package main

import (

type (
  SomeStruct struct {
    Field1 string
    Field2 int
    Field3 *somePointer
  somePointer struct {
    field string

func main() {
  s := SomeStruct{
    Field1: "Yahoo",
    Field2: 500,
    Field3: &somePointer{"I want to see what is in here"},


Will give you this output:

(main.SomeStruct) {
 Field1: (string) "Yahoo",
 Field2: (int) 500,
 Field3: (*main.somePointer)(0x2102a7230)({
  field: (string) "I want to see what is in here"


