How to detect application mode in Play 2.x

You can access the current Appliction via


to find out the mode try


or simply use


With Play 2.5, Play 2.6 and Play 2.7

You can do it like this:

import play.Environment

class MyController @Inject()(env: Environment) {

  println(s"DevMode is ${env.isDev}")
  println(s"ProdMode is ${env.isProd}")
  println(s"TestMode is ${env.isTest}")


Or in Play 2.6 and Play 2.7 you have also the version with play.api.Environment:

import play.api.Environment

class MyController @Inject()(env: Environment) {

  println(s"ProdMode is ${env.mode == Mode.Prod}")
  println(s"DevMode is ${env.mode == Mode.Dev}")
  println(s"TestMode is ${env.mode == Mode.Test}")

For both the Scala Doc states:

 * The environment for the application.
 * Captures concerns relating to the classloader and the filesystem for the application.

In play 2.3.X you can also check via:


In Play 2.5.x the play.Play.isDev() method is deprecated, one has to use dependency injection:

import javax.inject.Inject;

public class Example {

    private play.Environment environment;

    public void myMethod() {
        if (environment.isDev()) {

Or equivalently in Scala:

class ErrorHandler @Inject()(environment: Environment) {

  def myMethod() = {
    if (environment.isDev) {


environment.isDev() returns a Boolean, which one can easily pass to a template. No need to use implicit variables as described here.