How to detect language

For future reference, the engine I ended up using is libtextcat which is under BSD license but seems not to be maintained since 2003. Still, it does a good job and integrates easily in my toolchain

Depending on what you're doing, you might want to check out the python Natural Language Processing Toolkit (NLTK), which has some support for Bayesian Learning Algorithms.

In general, the letter and word frequencies would probably be the fastest evaluation, but the NLTK (or a bayesian learning algorithm in general) will probably be useful if you need to do anything beyond identification of the language. Bayesian methods will probably be useful also if you discover the first two methods have too high of an error rate.

You can surely build your own, given some statistics about letter frequencies, digraph frequencies, etc, of your target languages.

Then release it as open source. And voila, you have an open source engine for detecting the language of text!

Try CLD2:


export CPPFLAGS="-std=c++98"  #
pip install cld2-cffi --user


import cld2

res = cld2.detect("This is a sample text.")
res = cld2.detect("Dies ist ein Beispieltext.")
res = cld2.detect("Je ne peut pas parler cette language.")
res = cld2.detect(" هذه هي بعض النصوص العربية")
res = cld2.detect("这是一些阿拉伯文字")  # Chinese?
res = cld2.detect("これは、いくつかのアラビア語のテキストです")
print("Supports {} languages.".format(len(cld2.LANGUAGES)))


Detections(is_reliable=True, bytes_found=23, details=(Detection(language_name=u'ENGLISH', language_code=u'en', percent=95, score=1675.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Detections(is_reliable=True, bytes_found=27, details=(Detection(language_name=u'GERMAN', language_code=u'de', percent=96, score=1496.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Detections(is_reliable=True, bytes_found=38, details=(Detection(language_name=u'FRENCH', language_code=u'fr', percent=97, score=1134.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Detections(is_reliable=True, bytes_found=48, details=(Detection(language_name=u'ARABIC', language_code=u'ar', percent=97, score=1263.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Detections(is_reliable=False, bytes_found=29, details=(Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Detections(is_reliable=True, bytes_found=63, details=(Detection(language_name=u'Japanese', language_code=u'ja', percent=98, score=3848.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0), Detection(language_name=u'Unknown', language_code=u'un', percent=0, score=0.0)))
Supports 282 languages.


  • - a service around CLD2