How to detect scroll position of ListView in Flutter

You can also achieve this functionality with the following steps

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

class YourPage extends StatefulWidget {
  YourPage({Key key}) : super(key: key);

 _YourPageState createState() => _YourPageState();

class _YourPageState extends State<YourPage> {

  ScrollController _scrollController;
  double _scrollPosition;

 _scrollListener() {
  setState(() {
   _scrollPosition = _scrollController.position.pixels;

void initState() {
  _scrollController = ScrollController();

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return Scaffold(
  appBar: AppBar(
    automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
    title: Text('Position $_scrollPosition pixels'),
  body: Container(
      child: ListView.builder(
    controller: _scrollController,
    itemCount: 200,
    itemBuilder: (context, index) {
      return ListTile(
        leading: Icon(Icons.mood),
        title: Text('Item: $index'),

enter image description here

I used NotificationListener that is a widget that listens for notifications bubbling up the tree. Then use ScrollEndNotification, which indicates that scrolling has stopped.

For scroll position I used _scrollController that type is ScrollController.

  child: ListView(
    controller: _scrollController,
    children: ...
  onNotification: (t) {
    if (t is ScrollEndNotification) {
    //How many pixels scrolled from pervious frame

    //List scroll position

The NotificationListener now accepts a type argument which makes the code shorter :)

  child: ListView(
    controller: _scrollController,
    children: ...
  onNotification: (notification) {
    // Return true to cancel the notification bubbling. Return false (or null) to
    // allow the notification to continue to be dispatched to further ancestors.
    return true;

majidfathi69's answer is good, but you don't need to add a controller to the list: (Change ScrollUpdateNotification to ScrollEndNotification when you only want to be notified when scroll ends.)

  child: ListView(
    children: ...
  onNotification: (notification) {
    //How many pixels scrolled from pervious frame

    //List scroll position