How to determine if a type implements a specific generic interface type

As a helper method extension

public static bool Implements<I>(this Type type, I @interface) where I : class
    if(((@interface as Type)==null) || !(@interface as Type).IsInterface)
        throw new ArgumentException("Only interfaces can be 'implemented'.");

    return (@interface as Type).IsAssignableFrom(type);

Example usage:

var testObject = new Dictionary<int, object>();
result = testObject.GetType().Implements(typeof(IDictionary<int, object>)); // true!

You have to go up through the inheritance tree and find all the interfaces for each class in the tree, and compare typeof(IBar<>) with the result of calling Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition if the interface is generic. It's all a bit painful, certainly.

See this answer and these ones for more info and code.

public interface IFoo<T> : IBar<T> {}
public class Foo : IFoo<Foo> {}

var implementedInterfaces = typeof( Foo ).GetInterfaces();
foreach( var interfaceType in implementedInterfaces ) {
    if ( false == interfaceType.IsGeneric ) { continue; }
    var genericType = interfaceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
    if ( genericType == typeof( IFoo<> ) ) {
        // do something !

By using the answer from TcKs it can also be done with the following LINQ query:

bool isBar = foo.GetType().GetInterfaces().Any(x =>
  x.IsGenericType &&
  x.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IBar<>));