How to determine the Opera browser using JavaScript

Now that Opera uses the Chrome rendering engine, the accepted solution no longer works.

The User Agent string shows up like this:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.52 Safari/537.36 OPR/15.0.1147.132

The only identifier for Opera is the OPR part.

Here's the code I use, which should match the old Opera or the new Opera. It makes the Opera var a boolean value (true or false):

var Opera = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera|OPR\//) ? true : false);

The above answers no longer work in the new Opera 30. Since Opera now use Chromium. Please use the below:

var isChromium =,
    isOpera = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("OPR") > -1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") > -1;
if(isChromium !== null && isOpera == true) {
   // is Opera (chromium)
} else { 
   // not Opera (chromium) 

The new Opera 30 release now fully uses Chromium and also changed their userAgent to OPR

    //do stuffs, for example
    alert(opera.version()); //10.10 

No kidding, there is an object opera in opera browser.

You may think, object opera is overridable, but navigator is overridable too.


To get more accurate result, you could do like

if (window.opera && opera.toString() == "[object Opera]"){
    //do stuffs, tested on opera 10.10

And I noticed, Opera have both addEventListener and attachEvent, so there is also another way like

if (window.addEventListener && window.attachEvent){
    //do stuffs, tested on opera 10.10