How to disable and enable HTML table using Javascript?

<script type="text/javascript">
disable = new Boolean();
 function highlight(a) {

 function normal(a) {

<style type="text/css">
 table#tblTest {
  width: 100%;
  margin-top: 10px;
  font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif;
  border-width: 1px;
  border-color: #666666;
  border-collapse: collapse;

 table#tblTest tr.highlight td {
  background-color: #8888ff;

 table#tblTest tr.normal {
  background-color: #ffffff;

 table#tblTest th {
  white-space: nowrap; 
  border-width: 1px;
  padding: 8px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #666666;
  background-color: #dedede;

 table#tblTest td {
  border-width: 1px;
  padding: 8px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: #666666;
  background-color: #ffffff;

 <table id="tblTest">
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" >
        <td>UK </td>
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" >
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" > 
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" >
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" >
    <tr onMouseOver="highlight(this)" onMouseOut="normal(this)" >
 <input type="button" onclick="disable = true;" value="Disable" />
 <input type="button" onclick="disable = false;" value="Enable" />

Fixed your code. Use a function to check if it's disabled, if it isn't, then highlight. If it is, then don't. Simple enough.


You can not disable a table. What do you want to achieve with this? The tables are read only anyway.

If you have input tags in the table, you can disable those one by one.

See also "Disabling" an HTML table with javascript

If you want it to "look" disabled or enabled, add class rules to a style sheet and add classes to the table for enabled or disabled.

function disableTable() {
  addClassName(document.getElementbyId('tblTest'), 'disabled');
function enableTable() {
  removeClassName(document.getElementbyId('tblTest'), 'disabled');

function trim(s) {
  return s.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g,'').replace(/\s+/g,' ');

function hasClassName (el, cName) {
  var re = new RegExp('(^|\\s+)' + cName + '(\\s+|$)');
  return el && re.test(el.className);

function addClassName(el, cName) {
  if (!hasClassName(el, cName)) {
      el.className = trim(el.className + ' ' + cName);

function removeClassName(el, cName) {
  if (hasClassName(el, cName)) {
    var re = new RegExp('(^|\\s+)' + cName + '(\\s+|$)','g');
    el.className = trim(el.className.replace(re, ''));