How to disable auto-quotes and auto-brackets in Jupyter 5.0

For JupyterLab visitors there is a "User Preferences" panel of the "Notebook" settings editor into which you paste & save:

  "codeCellConfig": {
    "autoClosingBrackets": false

Open with Ctrl + , or via menu: SettingsAdvanced Settings Editor & click "Notebook"

It looks like it can be done by running in a notebook:

from import ConfigManager
c = ConfigManager()
c.update('notebook', {"CodeCell": {"cm_config": {"autoCloseBrackets": False}}})

This creates a file ~/.jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json with the content:

  "CodeCell": {
    "cm_config": {
      "autoCloseBrackets": false

After executing the Python command, or manually creating the file, restart your Jupyter notebook, and it should stop auto-closing quotes and brackets.