How to disable Google Tag Manager console logging
I just had this problem in a project that combines Google Tag Manager and Firebase. Since no header about logging is exposed I couldn't find a way to turn it off.
This is a monkey patch I came up with that lets you control the info logs from GTM.
+ (void)patchGoogleTagManagerLogging {
Class class = NSClassFromString(@"TAGLogger");
SEL originalSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"info:");
SEL detourSelector = @selector(detour_info:);
Method originalMethod = class_getClassMethod(class, originalSelector);
Method detourMethod = class_getClassMethod([self class], detourSelector);
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, detourMethod);
+ (void)detour_info:(NSString*)message {
return; // Disable logging
Swift 3 version of Scoud's solution:
static func hideGTMLogs() {
let tagClass: AnyClass? = NSClassFromString("TAGLogger")
let originalSelector = NSSelectorFromString("info:")
let detourSelector = #selector(AppDelegate.detour_info(message:))
guard let originalMethod = class_getClassMethod(tagClass, originalSelector),
let detourMethod = class_getClassMethod(AppDelegate.self, detourSelector) else { return }
class_addMethod(tagClass, detourSelector,
method_getImplementation(detourMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(detourMethod))
method_exchangeImplementations(originalMethod, detourMethod)
static func detour_info(message: String) {
You didn't specify the language. Warning level would seem enough in your case.
// Optional: Change the LogLevel to Verbose to enable logging at VERBOSE and higher levels.
[self.tagManager.logger setLogLevel:kTAGLoggerLogLevelVerbose];
Available levels (docs):
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelVerbose
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelDebug
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelInfo
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelWarning
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelError
- kTAGLoggerLogLevelNone
From the official docs: (deprecated in favor of Firebase Analytics)