How to disable Notepad++ Auto-open previous files without opening Notepad++?

Start from command line:

notepad++ -nosession

"Auto-open previous files" then should be disabled

This is for those who do not want to modify the XML config filess, and this will also work without having the Notepad++ in PATH.

As I do not have enough reputation to comment on other answers, I'll add on Jacques Hubart's comment, all credits should still be for him.

  1. Open Windows Run (Windows + R)
  2. Type in the full path to the Notepad++ EXE. This would normally be C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe
  3. Add the nosession parameter
  4. Run


Run Preview

If, like me, you left a huge file in the last session, you can also remove just the offending file from the session and keep the rest.

go to %appdata%\Notepad++ and open session.xml

Scroll to the right to see the filename. Be careful to keep the integrety of the XML by removing the entire "file" node. It should be on a single line.

Yes, you can change that setting by modifying the config file.

go to %appdata%\Notepad++ and open config.xml

You should find the following line in there:

<GUIConfig name="RememberLastSession">yes</GUIConfig>

just change it to no and that should do the trick.