How to disable/ set logging level /preferences PER Mac OS X application?

You may want to look at asl.conf(5) which allows you to ignore/process log messages on quite a fine-grained level.

Something like:

? [= Sender ObnoxiousLogger] ignore

should do the trick. If you still want to see the more serious messages from the obnoxious sender, something along the lines of:

? [= Sender ObnoxiousLogger] [> Level error] ignore

might be more appropriate.

Note: after editing /etc/asl.conf, don't forget to kill -HUP your syslogd.

Just create a File » New Database Search…, looking for Facility contains "console" and Sender does not contain "ObnoxiousLogger", and ignore the default Console Messages database search?

enter image description here

You can use the following command to set individual log filtering levels for specific processes:

syslog -c processname -d

This will set the log level of currently running instances of processname to all messages of debug level or higher. the possible levels are each character of pacewnid: (Panic), Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info, and Debug.

So, to only enable logging of warning messages and higher for Finder, use:

syslog -c Finder -w

You will need to repeat this whenever you restart the process in question.

I am on MacOS Mojave (10.14.3) and this post was helpful to me so I want to clarify what worked for me as I have not seen it all together in a single place. In my case I wanted to filter out Microsoft OneNote messages which were constantly spamming my system.log file at a rate of 5 a second. Sample message:

Feb  3 22:52:49 MyMacMini-2 Microsoft OneNote[393]: [ACT]:[TASKSCHEDULER]:[Info]:opQueue=0x6000012d7760 after call to waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished

So I edited /etc/asl.conf with the following rule:

# Disable Microsoft OneNote logging as is filling up system.log!
? [= Sender Microsoft OneNote] ignore

You need to add this before the line that says:

# Rules for /var/log/system.log

As otherwise it will not work. Then just restart syslogd with this command and the messages should be gone from system.log:

sudo killall -HUP syslogd