How to disable spell checking in Atom?

For temporary solution or for someone like me permanent solution:

  1. go to "File / Settings / Packages"
  2. search "spell-check"
  3. click to button "Disable"

Disable the spell-check plugin

  1. Go to Settings > Packages > Spell Check.
  2. Click the Disable button. Disable

Toggle spell check for the current file

  1. Open up the Command Pallette (++p).
  2. Type in Spell Check: Toggle.
  3. Hit enter.

Create a shortcut to toggle spell checking

  1. Go to Atom > Keymap...
  2. Add those lines at the bottom of the keymap.cson file:

      'cmd-alt-s': 'spell-check:toggle'
  3. Restart Atom.

Disable spell check for certain file types

There is a default list of scopes which triggers spell checking. You have to define your own list if you want to modify it.

  1. Go to Settings > Packages > Spell Check.
  2. Enter your modified list of scopes into the Settings > Grammars. Spell Check package settings

How to define my own list of scopes?

The default list of scopes includes: source.asciidoc, source.gfm, text.git-commit, text.plain, text.plain.null-grammar

If you don't know which scope applies to your currently opened file:

  1. Open up the Command Pallette (++p).
  2. Type in Editor: Log Cursor Scope.
  3. Hit enter.

  4. A notification like this should pop up: notification

  5. The first item on the list is the scope which applies to your file.

Further reading

You can read more on the GitHub page of this package:

I would like to turn off spell checking in Atom in one file

There is a feature request (Add feature: toggle on/off) for this:

I added the feature 'Toggle' to the 'Packages -> Spell Check' menu.

Update 08/01/2016:

All checks have passed

1 successful check

This branch has no conflicts with the base branch

Only those with write access to this repository can merge pull requests.