How to disable the try again password in ssh command

In the sshd config man page man 5 sshd_config:

     Specifies the maximum number of authentication attempts permitted
     per connection.  Once the number of failures reaches half this
     value, additional failures are logged.  The default is 6.

So a setting of MaxAuthTries 2 will be the setting you will need. sshd will need to be restarted afterwards (has to be ran as root):

/etc/init.d/ssh restart 


service ssh restart

On the client side this can set with ssh settings (look at man 5 ssh_config for the settings you can apply):

         Specifies the number of password prompts before giving up.  The
         argument to this keyword must be an integer.  The default is 3.

So edit your ~/.ssh/config file and add:

 Host <name_or_ip_of_host|*>
     NumberOfPasswordPrompts 1

Where <name_or_ip_of_host|*> the canonical IP or hostname you are using on the command line, or * for all host connection attempts. You can also specify this on the command line without having to edit your /.ssh/config file:

  ssh -o NumberOfPasswordPrompts=1 user@hostname 



