How to display japanese Kanji inside a cmd window under windows?

This is how I can got Chinese input/output in cmd.exe running on Windows 7 Pro English Version.

  1. Install console2, which is a front-end to cmd.exe (and other shells).

  2. After installation, follow the instruction here

    • Delete key "Console2 command window" in registry
    • Import the following data into windows registry:

    • For Chinese(中文) Windows XP & Vista:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
      [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\Console2 command window]
    • For Japanese(日本語) Windows XP & Vista:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
      [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console\Console2 command window]
      "FaceName"="MS 明朝"
  3. You may or may not have to change the font. Initially I had the font set to @NimSum, and the Chinese characters came out rotate 90 degrees. Then I switched to NimSum (without the @) and it came out correctly. Then just out of curiosity I switched to Consola and yet I can still see the Chinese Characters. So not sure if you actually have to set the font or not.

How is your application writing output? The C byte-based stdio calls like printf won't support UTF-8 on Windows unless you have specifically set the console to use UTF-8 encoding by saying chcp 65001 && somecommand (and even then there are problems).

Without chcp, the console will be using the Windows installation's default code page, in this case cp1252, and writing in kanji will be impossible even if the console font you're using has glyphs for it.

If you want to write Unicode to the console reliably you would have to use character-based interfaces like wprintf.

If you find a font that will display the Kanji character set, you can add that font to the cmd Settings by adding values under this Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont\


Name: 00
Data: Consolas

I've done this before but found this reference on SuperUser:

Hope this helps

Consolas (even on Windows 10) does not display Japanese characters correctly in a console; I checked the font in Character Map and it simply doesn't have glyphs for any SE Asian languages. You need to set your console font to MS Mincho or a similar Asian-supporting font to show Japanese characters. This will also change backslashes to yen symbols which is a standard thing on Japanese systems. You don't need to change your code page or locale settings, but you will need to at least install Japanese language support to get the Japanese fonts installed. On NT5 systems like Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP, there's a checkbox somewhere in the regional and language options for it; on NT6 (Vista and later) you can just add the Japanese IME and it'll install the required files.