How to display the Subject Alternative Name of a certificate?

Note that you can limit the output of -text to just the extensions by adding the following option:

-certopt no_subject,no_header,no_version,no_serial,no_signame,no_validity,no_issuer,no_pubkey,no_sigdump,no_aux


openssl x509 -text -noout -in cert.pem \
  -certopt no_subject,no_header,no_version,no_serial,no_signame,no_validity,no_issuer,no_pubkey,no_sigdump,no_aux

However, you'll still need to apply some text parsing logic to get just the Subject Alternative Name.

If that isn't sufficient, I think you'll need to write a small program that uses the openssl library to extract the specific field you are looking for. Here are some example programs that show how to parse a cert, including extracting extension fields such as Subject Alternative Name:

Note that you don't have to use openssl and C if you go the programming route... you can pick your favorite language and ASN.1 parser library, and use that. For example, in Java, you could use, and many others.

Fetch Certificate Data

With gnutls and certtool

$ gnutls-cli -p 443 --print-cert < /dev/null | certtool -i | grep -C3 -i dns

With openssl

Taken from

$ openssl s_client -connect < /dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep -C3 -i dns

Extracting Certificate Data

| grep -C3 -i dns works for a simple-case, if your reviewing this data by hand sure works well enough. However certificate data is hierarchical, not line-oriented (so greping will be messy, particularly for ca chains).

I don't know of any x509 command line tools that can do key-value extraction, most systems I work with have python on-box or nearby so here is an approach using python, x509 interface provided by cryptography on pypi. Using cryptography is a little verbose, I didn't feel comfortable condensing this into a oneliner, but with this script you can extract dns names from certificates passed to stdin

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys

import cryptography.x509
import cryptography.hazmat.backends
import cryptography.hazmat.primitives

DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT_HASH = cryptography.hazmat.primitives.hashes.SHA256

def _x509_san_dns_names(certificate):
    """ Return a list of strings containing san dns names
    crt_san_data = certificate.extensions.get_extension_for_oid(

    dns_names = crt_san_data.value.get_values_for_type(

    return dns_names

def _find_certificate_pem(stream):
    """ Yield hunks of pem certificates
    certificate_pem = []
    begin_certificate = False
    for line in stream:
        if line == b'-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n':
            begin_certificate = False
            yield b''.join(certificate_pem)
            certificate_pem = []

        if line == b'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n':
            begin_certificate = True

        if begin_certificate:

def _dump_stdincert_san_dnsnames():
    """ Print line-oriented certificate fingerprint and san dns name
    for certificate_pem in _find_certificate_pem(sys.stdin.buffer):
        certificate = cryptography.x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(
        certificate_fingerprint = certificate.fingerprint(
        certificate_fingerprint_str = ':'.join(
            '{:02x}'.format(i) for i in certificate_fingerprint
            for dns_name in _x509_san_dns_names(certificate):
                sys.stdout.write('{} {}\n'.format(certificate_fingerprint_str, dns_name))

        except cryptography.x509.extensions.ExtensionNotFound:
            sys.stderr.write('{} Certificate has no extension SubjectAlternativeName\n'.format(certificate_fingerprint_str))

def main():

if __name__ == '__main__':

#### Example
$ true | openssl s_client -connect localhost:8443 | openssl x509 -noout -text | grep DNS:
depth=2 C = US, ST = NC, L = SomeCity, O = SomeCompany Security, OU = SomeOU, CN = SomeCN
verify error:num=19:self signed certificate in certificate chain
                DNS:localhost, DNS:,, DNS:servername2.somedom.local

Newer versions of openssl have an '-ext' option that allows you to print only the subjectAltName record. Am using 'OpenSSL 1.1.1b' on Debian 9.9

openssl x509 -noout -ext subjectAltName -in cert.pem

Though you'll still need to parse the output.

The change was made in