How to dispose asynchronously?

It looks like you're using the event-based async pattern (see here for more info about .NET async patterns) so what you'd typically have is an event on the class that fires when the async operation is completed named DoSomethingCompleted (note that AsyncDoSomething should really be called DoSomethingAsync to follow the pattern correctly). With this event exposed you could write:

var myClass = new MyClass();
myClass.DoSomethingCompleted += (sender, e) => myClass.Dispose();

The other alternative is to use the IAsyncResult pattern, where you can pass a delegate that calls the dispose method to the AsyncCallback parameter (more info on this pattern is in the page above too). In this case you'd have BeginDoSomething and EndDoSomething methods instead of DoSomethingAsync, and would call it something like...

var myClass = new MyClass();
    asyncResult => {
                       using (myClass)

But whichever way you do it, you need a way for the caller to be notified that the async operation has completed so it can dispose of the object at the correct time.

Async methods usually have a callback allowing you to do do some action upon completition. If this is your case it would be something like this:

// The async method taks an on-completed callback delegate
myClass.AsyncDoSomething(delegate { myClass.Dispose(); });

An other way around this is an async wrapper:

        // The class doesn't know about async operations, a helper method does that