How to do a natural sort on an NSArray?
s can be compared using the NSNumericSearch compare option.
One version:
NSInteger sort(Obj* a, Obj* b, void*) {
return [[a title] compare:[b title] options:NSNumericSearch];
result = [array sortedArrayUsingFunction:&sort context:nil];
Or a bit more generic:
NSInteger sort(id a, id b, void* p) {
return [[a valueForKey:(NSString*)p]
compare:[b valueForKey:(NSString*)p]
result = [array sortedArrayUsingFunction:&sort context:@"title"]
Or using blocks:
result = [array sortedArrayUsingComparator:^(Obj* a, Obj* b) {
return [[a title] compare:[b title] options:NSNumericSearch];
Those attempting to replicate the Finder's sorting behavior on Mac OS X 10.6 and later and iOS 4 and later can use localizedStandardCompare:
as the comparator selector.
Those with the same goal on earlier versions of Mac OS X and/or iOS should use the solution described in the String Programming Guide.