How to do a surface plot of a function
Pgfplots can compute the z contours by means of gnuplot and its contour gnuplot interface. How to for Windows:
Install gnuplot with the option of adding gnuplot path to to the search PATH
- Add "--enable-write18" to your LaTeX command. Here shown for pdflatex and TexStudio: This is needed so gnuplot can be executed.
You should be able to genererate the graph using the following code:
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{pgfplots} \usepackage{amsmath} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[ declare function = {Z(\x,\y) = (\y+ln(1-\x))^2/\y^2;}, domain=0:0.5, y domain=1:10, point meta max=1, point meta min=0, samples=40, colorbar, colormap/bluered, colorbar style={title=$z$}, view={0}{90}, xmin=0, xmax=0.5, xlabel={x}, zmin=0, zmax=1, colorbar, ylabel={y}] \addplot3 [surf,shader=interp] {Z(x,y)}; \addplot3[ contour gnuplot={ levels={0.4,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,0.95}, contour label style={ nodes={text=black,opacity=0,text opacity=1,anchor=south}, %/pgf/number format/fixed, /pgf/number format/fixed zerofill=true, %/pgf/number format/precision=1 }, output point meta=rawz, %number=10, %labels=false, draw color = black }, samples=41, contour/draw color={black}, contour/label distance=80pt ] {Z(x,y)}; \end{axis}[] \end{tikzpicture}% \end{document}
I would be grateful for further improvements.
Try Asymptote
inline mode:
% cont.tex:
import graph;
import palette;
import contour;
real w=6cm,h=w;
import fontsize;defaultpen(fontsize(7pt));
real f(real x, real y) {return (y+log(1-x))^2/y^2;}
pair a=( 0, 1);
pair b=(0.5,30);
int N=200;
int Divs=10;
int divs=2;
pen Tickpen=black;
pen tickpen=gray+0.5*linewidth(currentpen);
pen[] Palette=Gradient(rgb("A42420"),rgb("FFF2B4"));
bounds range=image(f,Automatic,a,b,N,Palette);
// Major contours
real[] Cvals=uniform(range.min,range.max,Divs);
draw(contour(f,a,b,Cvals,N,operator --),Tickpen);
// Minor contours
real[] cvals;
for(int i=0; i < Cvals.length-1; ++i)
draw(contour(f,a,b,cvals,N,operator --),tickpen);
xaxis("$x$",BottomTop, RightTicks(Step=0.1,step=0.02),above=true);
\caption{A surface/contour plot of $(y+\ln(1-x))^2/y^2$}
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