How to do an integer log2() in C++?

You can use this method instead:

int targetlevel = 0;
while (index >>= 1) ++targetlevel;

Note: this will modify index. If you need it unchanged, create another temporary int.

The corner case is when index is 0. You probably should check it separately and throw an exception or return an error if index == 0.

If you are on a recent-ish x86 or x86-64 platform (and you probably are), use the bsr instruction which will return the position of the highest set bit in an unsigned integer. It turns out that this is exactly the same as log2(). Here is a short C or C++ function that invokes bsr using inline ASM:

#include <stdint.h>
static inline uint32_t log2(const uint32_t x) {
  uint32_t y;
  asm ( "\tbsr %1, %0\n"
      : "=r"(y)
      : "r" (x)
  return y;