How to do automatic differentiation?

This is not a package, just an idea how such a package might work. You could define a custom value type autoDiffValue that stores a value and it's first derivative (with respect to some variable), then define arithmetic operations for that type:

autoDiffValue /: autoDiffValue[a_, adx_] + autoDiffValue[b_, bdx_] := 
 autoDiffValue[a + b, adx + bdx]
autoDiffValue /: autoDiffValue[a_, adx_] * autoDiffValue[b_, bdx_] := 
 autoDiffValue[a*b, adx*b + a*bdx]
autoDiffValue /: autoDiffValue[a_, adx_] + b_ := 
 autoDiffValue[a + b, adx]
autoDiffValue /: autoDiffValue[a_, adx_]*b_ := 
 autoDiffValue[a*b, adx*b]
autoDiffValue /: autoDiffValue[a_, adx_]^b_ := 
 autoDiffValue[a^b, a^(b - 1)*adx*b]

Using that and your function h, you can then call:

h[{1, 2, 3}, autoDiffValue[5, 1]]

and get

autoDiffValue[86, 32]

i.e. the value and the first derivative of h[{1, 2, 3}, x] at x=5

You could automate generating derivative definitions:

defineFunc[fn_] := 
 autoDiffValue /: fn[autoDiffValue[a_, adx_]] = 
  autoDiffValue[fn[a], D[fn[a + x*adx], x] /. x -> 0]
defineFunc /@ {Sin, Cos, Exp}; 

(it's probably possible to extend defineFunc so it can create definitions for Plus, Times, ... too)

This is more or less the same technique you would use to define AD in e.g. C++ using operator overloading. It should work in principle, although a lot of work would still be needed to implement multivariable and higher derivatives and to support vector and matrix arguments (so calculations can be done with packed arrays).