how to do email verification in regex code example
Example 1: regex pattern to validate email
Example 2: how write a email validation regex
//Author: Mohammad Arman Khan
//Regular Expresssion for e-mail validation
var email_validator_regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!
Example 3: regex validate email
sub Validate_Email($)
my $sEmail = $_[0];
my $sRetMsg = "";
my $sUserNmRegex = "^[[:alnum:]]+([.!#\$\%&'*+-\/=?^_'{|]?[[:alnum:]]+)*";
my $sDomainRegex = "@[[:alnum:]]+([.-]{1}[[:alnum:]]+)*";
my $sEndRegex = "([.]{1}[[:alnum:]]+)+";
if ($sEmail =~ /$sUserNmRegex$sDomainRegex$sEndRegex$/) {
$sRetMsg = "Email is valid";
else {
$sRetMsg = "Email is not valid";
return $sRetMsg;
my $sEmail = '[email protected]';
print "[Email:$sEmail] : " . Validate_Email($sEmail) . "\n";