How to do Independent Component Analysis?

It seems that Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF) can be applied for doing ICA. At least in some cases.

In order to demonstrate this I will make up some data in the spirit of the "cocktail party problem". Then I am going to apply an NNMF algorithm.

To be clear, NNMF does dimension reduction, but its norm minimization process does not enforce variable independence. (It enforces non-negativity.) There are at least several articles discussing modification of NNMF to do ICA. For example this one: "A new nonnegative matrix factorization for independent component analysis". (From it I took the data generation formulas.)


(*Signal functions*)
Clear[s1, s2, s3]
s1[t_] := Sin[600 \[Pi] t/10000 + 6*Cos[120 \[Pi] t/10000]] + 1.2
s2[t_] := Sin[\[Pi] t/10] + 1.2
s3[t_?NumericQ] := (((QuotientRemainder[t, 23][[2]] - 11)/9)^5 + 2.8)/2 + 0.2

(*Mixing matrix*)
A = {{0.44, 0.2, 0.31}, {0.45, 0.8, 0.23}, {0.12, 0.32, 0.71}};

(*Signals matrix*)
nSize = 600;
S = Table[{s1[t], s2[t], s3[t]}, {t, 0, nSize, 0.5}];

(*Mixed signals matrix*)
M = A.Transpose[S];

   Plot[#, {t, 0, nSize}, PerformanceGoal -> "Quality", 
     ImageSize -> 250] &, {s1[t], s2[t], s3[t]}]}]

enter image description here

(*Mixed signals*)
Grid[{Map[ListLinePlot[#, ImageSize -> 250] &, M]}]

enter image description here

Application of Non-Negative Matrix Factorization (NNMF)

Load NNMF package (from MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub):


After several applications of NNMF we get signals close to the originals:

{W, H} = GDCLS[M, 3];
Grid[{Map[ListLinePlot[#, ImageSize -> 250] &, Normal[H]]}]

enter image description here

The package IndependentComponentAnalysis.m can be used for Independent Component Analysis (ICA).

This answer uses the generated data from my previous answer (which is about opportunistic application of general Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for ICA).

Load the package:


It is important to note that the usual ICA model interpretation for the factorized matrix $X$ is that each column is a variable (audio signal) and each row is an observation (recordings of the microphones at a given time). The matrix $M \in R^{3 \times 1201}$ was constructed with the interpretation that each row is a signal, hence we have to transpose $M$ in order to apply the ICA algorithms, $X=M^T$.

X = Transpose[M];

{S, A} = IndependentComponentAnalysis[X, 3];

Check the approximation of the obtained factorization:

Norm[X - S.A]    
(* 3.10715*10^-14 *)

Plot the found source signals:

Grid[{Map[ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> 250] &, 

enter image description here

Because of the random initialization of the inverting matrix in the algorithm the result my vary. Here is the plot from another run:

enter image description here

The package also provides the function FastICA that returns an association with elements that correspond to the result of the function fastICA provided by the R package "fastICA". See


Here is an example usage:

res = FastICA[X, 3];

(* {"X", "K", "W", "A", "S"} *)

   ListLinePlot[#, PlotRange -> All, ImageSize -> Medium] &, 

enter image description here

Note that (in adherence to the cited documents) the function FastICA returns the matrices S and A for the centralized matrix X. This means, for example, that in order to check the approximation proper mean has to be supplied:

Norm[X - Map[# + Mean[X] &, res["S"].res["A"]]]
(* 2.56719*10^-14 *)

Further readings

  1. More explanations and references are given in the blog post "Independent component analysis for multidimensional signals". For example:

    • the section "ICA for mixed time series of city temperatures",

    • the section "Signatures and results".

  2. The blog post "Comparison of PCA, NNMF, and ICA over image de-noising" has applications to image processing.

Image collage of orginal, noised, PCA, NNMF, ICA de-noised 6 and 7 images