How to do many-to-many Django query to find book with 2 given authors?

Not intuitive at first but the answer is right in front of us.


If you want an exact match, you could potentially further filter this result by those items that only have exactly 2 authors.


If you want exact matches dynamically, how about something like this?:

def get_exact_match(model_class, m2m_field, ids):
    query = model_class.objects.annotate(count=Count(m2m_field))\
    for _id in ids:
        query = query.filter(**{m2m_field: _id})
    return query

matches = get_exact_match(MyModel, 'my_m2m_field', [1, 2, 3, 4])

# matches is still an unevaluated queryset, so you could run more filters
# without hitting the database.

New questions are pointing to this one as a duplicate, so here is an updated answer (for one specific backend).

If the backend is Postgres, the SQL you want is (assuming the M2M table is called bookauthor):

FROM book
    (SELECT ARRAY_AGG(bookauthor.author_id)
     FROM bookauthor
     WHERE bookauthor.book_id = = Array[1, 2];

You can get Django to generate nearly this SQL.

First, pip install django-sql-utils. Then create this Array class:

from django.db.models import Func

class Array(Func):
    function = 'ARRAY'
    template = '%(function)s[%(expressions)s]'

And now you can write your ORM queryset:

from sql_util.utils import SubqueryAggregate
from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg

books = Book.objects.annotate(
            author_ids=SubqueryAggregate('author__id', Aggregate=ArrayAgg)
        ).filter(author_ids=Array(1, 2))