How to document class attributes in Python?

You cite the PEP257: Docstring Conventions, in the section What is a docstring it is stated:

String literals occurring elsewhere in Python code may also act as documentation. They are not recognized by the Python bytecode compiler and are not accessible as runtime object attributes (i.e. not assigned to __doc__), but two types of extra docstrings may be extracted by software tools:

String literals occurring immediately after a simple assignment at the top level of a module, class, or __init__ method are called "attribute docstrings".

And this is explained in more details in PEP 258: Attribute docstrings. As explains above, an attribute is not an object that can own a __doc__ so they won't appear in help() or pydoc. These docstrings can only be used for generated documentation.

They are used in Sphinx with the directive autoattribute

Sphinx can use comments on a line before an assignment or a special comment following an assignment or a docstring after the definition which will be autodocumented.

The other answers are very outdated. PEP-224 (available in Python 2.1!) describes how you can use docstrings for attributes. They come after the attribute, weirdly.

class C:
    "class C doc-string"

    a = 1
    "attribute C.a doc-string (1)"

    b = 2
    "attribute C.b doc-string (2)"

It also works for type annotations like this:

class C:
    "class C doc-string"

    a: int
    "attribute C.a doc-string (1)"

    b: str
    "attribute C.b doc-string (2)"

VSCode supports showing these.

To avoid confusion: the term property has a specific meaning in python. What you're talking about is what we call class attributes. Since they are always acted upon through their class, I find that it makes sense to document them within the class' doc string. Something like this:

class Albatross(object):
    """A bird with a flight speed exceeding that of an unladen swallow.

        flight_speed     The maximum speed that such a bird can attain.
        nesting_grounds  The locale where these birds congregate to reproduce.
    flight_speed = 691
    nesting_grounds = "Throatwarbler Man Grove"

I think that's a lot easier on the eyes than the approach in your example. If I really wanted a copy of the attribute values to appear in the doc string, I would put them beside or below the description of each attribute.

Keep in mind that in Python, doc strings are actual members of the objects they document, not merely source code annotations. Since class attribute variables are not objects themselves but references to objects, they have no way of holding doc strings of their own. I guess you could make a case for doc strings on references, perhaps to describe "what should go here" instead of "what is actually here", but I find it easy enough to do that in the containing class doc string.