How to download entire folder from Firebase Storage?
You can use gsutil to download the whole storage bucket
gsutil -m cp -R gs://<bucket_name> .
There is no API in Firebase Storage to download all files in a folder. You will have to download the files one by one, or create a zip file that contains all the files.
As Lahiru's answer shows it can be accomplished with gsutils
, but that's a server-side operation - not something you'd run in your client-side application.
- How to get a list of all files in Cloud Storage in a Firebase app?
You can download the folder by creating a zip file of it.
Here is a sample function:
import JSZip from 'jszip';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
import {
} from 'firebase/storage';
import { auth } from '../../Firebase';
export const downloadFolderAsZip = async () => {
const jszip = new JSZip();
const storage = getStorage();
const folderRef = ref(
const folder = await listAll(folderRef);
const promises = folder.items
.map(async (item) => {
const file = await getMetadata(item);
const fileRef = ref(storage, item.fullPath);
const fileBlob = await getDownloadURL(fileRef).then((url) => {
return fetch(url).then((response) => response.blob());
jszip.file(, fileBlob);
.reduce((acc, curr) => acc.then(() => curr), Promise.resolve());
await promises;
const blob = await jszip.generateAsync({ type: 'blob' });
saveAs(blob, '');
Command gustil for Windows !!!
gsutil cp -r gs://<bucket_name> "D:\path"
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