How to download file with puppeteer using headless: true?

This page downloads a csv by creating a comma delimited string and forcing the browser to download it by setting the data type like so

let uri = "data:text/csv;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(content);, "Some CSV");

This on chrome opens a new tab.

You can tap into this event and physically download the contents into a file. Not sure if this is the best way but works well.

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
  headless: true
browser.on('targetcreated', async (target) => {
    let s = target.url();
    //the test opens an about:blank to start - ignore this
    if (s == 'about:blank') {
    //unencode the characters after removing the content type
    s = s.replace("data:text/csv;charset=utf-8,", "");
    //clean up string by unencoding the %xx
    fs.writeFile("/tmp/download.csv", s, function(err) {
        if(err) {
        console.log("The file was saved!");

const page = await browser.newPage();
.. open link ...
.. click on download link ..

I spent hours poring through this thread and Stack Overflow yesterday, trying to figure out how to get Puppeteer to download a csv file by clicking a download link in headless mode in an authenticated session. The accepted answer here didn't work in my case because the download does not trigger targetcreated, and the next answer, for whatever reason, did not retain the authenticated session. This article saved the day. In short, fetch. Hopefully this helps someone else out.

const res = await =>
    return fetch('', {
        method: 'GET',
        credentials: 'include'
    }).then(r => r.text());

The problem is that the browser closes before download finished.

You can get the filesize and the name of the file from the response, and then use a watch script to check file size from downloaded file, in order to close the browser.

This is an example:

    const filename = "set this with some regex in response";
    const dir = "watch folder or file";
    // Download and wait for download
        await Promise.all([
           // Event on all responses
            page.on('response', response => {
                // If response has a file on it
                if (response._headers['content-disposition'] === `attachment;filename=${filename}`) {
                   // Get the size
                    console.log('Size del header: ', response._headers['content-length']);
                    // Watch event on download folder or file
                     fs.watchFile(dir, function (curr, prev) {
                       // If current size eq to size from response then close
                        if (parseInt(curr.size) === parseInt(response._headers['content-length'])) {

Even that the way of searching in response can be improved though I hope you'll find this useful.