How to draw Micrometer scale using TikZ
This is an attempt of a 3d answer. I acknowledge and appreciate comments by KJO that made me realize that this is not really realistic and by Raaja that made me choose a perhaps more intuitive offset. ;-)
\foreach \Z in {1.5,3,...,30,28.5,27,...,3}
\pgfmathsetmacro{\VernierLength}{\Z/2} % <- this is the length in mm you want to show
% \begin{scope}[xshift=-5cm]
% \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (1,0,0) node[pos=1.1]{$x$};
% \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,1,0) node[pos=1.1]{$y$};
% \draw[-latex] (0,0,0) -- (0,0,1) node[pos=1.1]{$z$};
% \end{scope}
\path[tdplot_screen_coords,use as bounding box] (-3,-3) rectangle (5,3);
\path[tdplot_screen_coords] (5,3) node[anchor=north east]
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=0]
\path (0,0) coordinate (M1);
\draw (180:1) arc(180:0:1);
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=1.5]
\path (0,0) coordinate (M2);
\draw let \p1=($(M2)-(M1)$),\n1={0*atan2(\y1,\x1)+atan2(1,1.5)/2.5} in
($(M1)+(-\n1/2:1)$) coordinate (TL) -- ($(M2)+(-\n1/2:2)$) coordinate (TR)
($(M1)+(180+\n1/2:1)$) coordinate (BL) -- ($(M2)+(180+\n1/2:2)$) coordinate (BR)
(BR) arc(180+\n1/2:-\n1/2:2);
\draw plot[variable=\t,domain=0:360,smooth]
\draw[clip] plot[variable=\t,domain=0:180,smooth]
-- plot[variable=\t,domain=180:0,smooth]
(0,{cos(\t)},{sin(\t)}) -- cycle;
\draw[thick] (-\VernierLength/10,0,1) -- (0,0,1)
\path let
\n1={90+atan2(\y1,\x1)} in (-\VernierLength/10,{cos(120)},{sin(120)})
node[rotate=\n1,yscale={cos(30)},transform shape]{0};
\foreach \X in {1,...,\Xmax}
\draw plot[variable=\t,domain=90:110,smooth]
% \path let
% \p1=($(-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(120)},{sin(120)})-(-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(110)},{sin(110)})$),
% \n1={90+atan2(\y1,\x1)} in (-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(120)},{sin(120)})
% node[rotate=\n1,yscale={cos(30)},transform shape]{\X};
\draw plot[variable=\t,domain=90:70,smooth]
% \path let
% \p1=($(-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(60)},{sin(60)})-(-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(70)},{sin(70)})$),
% \n1={-90+atan2(\y1,\x1)} in (-\VernierLength/10+\X/5,{cos(60)},{sin(60)})
% node[rotate=\n1,yscale={cos(30)},transform shape]{\X};
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=3.5]
\path (0,0) coordinate (M3);
\draw (180:2) arc(180:0:2);
\draw ($(M2)+(0:2)$) -- ($(M3)+(0:2)$)
($(M2)+(180:2)$) -- ($(M3)+(180:2)$);
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using {int(mod(\X,5))},
evaluate=\X as \LX using {int(mod(\X,50))}] in {\Xmin,...,\Xmax}
\draw[thin] let
\n1={atan2(\y1,\x1)},\n2={veclen(\x2,\y2)/veclen(\x3,\y3)} in
-- (0.6,{(1+0.4)*cos(\Offset-\X*7.2)},{(1+0.4)*sin(\Offset-\X*7.2)})
node[pos=1.5,rotate=\n1,yscale={\n2},transform shape]{\LX};
\draw[thin] (0,{cos(\Offset-\X*7.2)},{sin(\Offset-\X*7.2)})
-- (0.3,{(1+0.2)*cos(\Offset-\X*7.2)},{(1+0.2)*sin(\Offset-\X*7.2)});
And here is a trick to draw the ticks. Call the point where the diagonal points intersect P
. Then the ticks point to this point. Of course, in the end you want to remove the excess lines by clipping.
\draw (0,0)--(-2,0) (0,-2)--(-2,-2);
\draw[thin] (0,0)--(0,-2);
\draw (0,0)coordinate (TL) --(1.5,1) coordinate (TR) --(3.5,1) ;
\draw (0,-2) coordinate (BL)--(1.5,-3) coordinate (BR) --(3.5,-3) ;
\draw[thin] (1.5,1)--(1.5,-3);
\draw (-2,-2) to[out=130,in=-130] (-2,-1) to[out=130,in=-130] (-2,0);
\draw[very thin] (-2,-1) to[out=50,in=-50] (-2,0);
\draw (3.5,1) to[out=-50,in=50] (3.5,-1) to[out=-50,in=50] (3.5,-3);
\draw[very thin] (3.5,-1) to[out=-130,in=130] (3.5,-3);
\path (intersection cs:first line={(TL)--(TR)}, second line={(BL)--(BR)})
coordinate (P);
\clip (TL) -- (TR) -- (BR) -- (BL) -- cycle;
\foreach \X [evaluate=\X as \Y using {int(mod(\X,5))}] in {1,...,17}
\draw[shorten >=-20pt] (P) -- (0,-2+\X/9) node[pos=1.65]{\X};
\draw[shorten >=-7pt] (P) -- (0,-2+\X/9);
\fi }
- I set the orign to the "0" of the horizontal scale.
- added 3 parameters:
is the horizontal length\xscale
is the scaling of one horizontal length unit\startrange
is the starting number of the vertical scale
- for loops and modulo calculations are used for drawing the scales
\newcommand{\lenx}{5.3} % e.g.: 0.4 or 5.3
\newcommand{\startrange}{0} % e.g.: 0 or 7
% scale right
\foreach \i in {1, ..., 18} {
% long line with number
\draw[blue] (\lenx*\xscale, -1+\i*2/19) -- (\lenx*\xscale+.5, -1+\i*2.5/19 -.25) node[right]{\pgfmathparse{int(\i-1+\startrange)}\pgfmathresult};%
% short line
\draw[blue] (\lenx*\xscale, -1+\i*2/19) -- (\lenx*\xscale+.25, -1+\i*2.25/19 -.125);
% horizontal scale (left)
\draw[red] (0,0) -- (\lenx*\xscale,0);
\draw[thick] (0,.3) -- (0,-.15) node[below]{0};
\foreach \i in {0, ..., \pgfmathresult} {
\draw[] (\i*\xscale,0) -- (\i*\xscale,.15);
\draw[] (\i*\xscale,0) -- (\i*\xscale,-.15);
% borders
\draw[thin, green] (\lenx*\xscale,1)--(\lenx*\xscale,-1);
\draw (-.5,1)--(\lenx*\xscale,1);
\draw (-.5,-1)--(\lenx*\xscale,-1);
\draw (\lenx*\xscale,1)--++(1.5,1)--++(2,0);
\draw (\lenx*\xscale,-1)--++(1.5,-1)--++(2,0);
\draw[thin] (\lenx*\xscale+1.5,2)--++(0,-4);
% curvy lines (left and right)
\draw (-.5,-1) to[out=130,in=-130] (-.5,0) to[out=130,in=-130] (-.5,1);
\draw[very thin] (-.5,0) to[out=50,in=-50] (-.5,1);
\draw (\lenx*\xscale+3.5,2) to[out=-50,in=50] (\lenx*\xscale+3.5,0) to[out=-50,in=50] (\lenx*\xscale+3.5,-2);
\draw[very thin] (\lenx*\xscale+3.5,0) to[out=-130,in=130] (\lenx*\xscale+3.5,-2);
A PSTricks solution just for fun purposes. I focus on the scale. The aesthetic aspects are too trivial.
\psline(0,\iy)(!\tmp\space 0 ne {2} {5} ifelse \iy\space)