how to draw the angle bisector of a triangle

As you are loading tkz-euclide anyway, you could simply make use of it. I used the fact that tkz-euclide has the incenter defined, and on p. 32 would be an even shorter code but with there the lines overshoot. And I am using Ulrike Fischer's answer, which is using a syntax that is sometimes said to be deprecated but works fine for this intersection of lines.



  \draw[blue, very thick]
    (0,0) coordinate (a) node[black,left] {A}
    -- (2,4) coordinate (b) node[black,above] {B}
    -- (7,0) coordinate (c) node[black,right] {C}
    pic["$\alpha$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\beta$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\gamma$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
    {angle=b--c--a}-- cycle;
    \draw[red] (a) -- (d)--(intersection of  a--d and b--c);
    \draw[red] (b) -- (d)--(intersection of  b--d and a--c);
    \draw[red] (c) -- (d)--(intersection of  c--d and b--a);

enter image description here

enter image description here

And here is a version with a macro and all the not immediately necessary stuff removed.


\draw[red] (#3) + (\tmpAngle+\tkzAngleResult/2:1) --(#3);


  \draw[blue, very thick]
    (0,0) coordinate (a) node[black,left] {A}
    -- (2,4) coordinate (b) node[black,above] {B}
    -- (7,0) coordinate (c) node[black,right] {C}
    pic["$\alpha$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\beta$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\gamma$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
    {angle=b--c--a}-- cycle;

enter image description here

And for those who neither speak French nor feel easy about looking up the definitions of the macros in the source code of tkz-euclide, here is a TikZ "only" solution that computes the incenter and then draws the bisectors. (The determination of the incenter has already been accomplished by Mark Wibrow in this answer. All I did was to, more or less, to translate his tikzmath code to a code using the calc library since this is arguably easier to use.)



  \draw[blue, very thick]
    (0,0) coordinate (a) node[black,left] {A} 
    -- (2,4) coordinate (b) node[black,above] {B}
    -- (7,0) coordinate (c) node[black,right] {C}
    pic["$\alpha$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\beta$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\gamma$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
    {angle=b--c--a}-- cycle;
    \path let \p1=(a),\p2=(b),\p3=(c),\n1={veclen(\x2-\x3,\y2-\y3)+veclen(\x1-\x3,\y1-\y3)
     in coordinate (incenter) at (barycentric cs:a=\n2,b=\n3,c=\n4);
   \fill[red] (incenter) circle (1pt);
   \foreach \X in {a,b,c}
   {\draw[red] (\X) -- ($(\X)!1cm!(incenter)$);}

enter image description here

UPDATE: Lines extend to the opposite edges.



  \draw[blue, very thick]
    (0,0) coordinate (a) node[black,left] {A} 
    -- (2,4) coordinate (b) node[black,above] {B}
    -- (7,0) coordinate (c) node[black,right] {C}
    pic["$\alpha$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\beta$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
        pic["$\gamma$", draw=orange, -, angle eccentricity=1.2, angle radius=1cm]
    {angle=b--c--a} -- cycle;
    \path let \p1=(a),\p2=(b),\p3=(c),\n1={veclen(\x2-\x3,\y2-\y3)+veclen(\x1-\x3,\y1-\y3)
     in coordinate (incenter) at (barycentric cs:a=\n2,b=\n3,c=\n4);
   \fill[red] (incenter) circle (1pt);
   \path[name path=c] (a) -- (b);
   \path[name path=b] (a) -- (c);
   \path[name path=a] (c) -- (b);
   \foreach \X in {a,b,c}
   {\path[overlay,name path=aux] (\X) -- ($(\X)!12cm!(incenter)$);
   \draw[red,name intersections={of=aux and \X,by=i-\X}] (\X) -- (i-\X); 

enter image description here

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