How to draw the figure inscribed in a circle?
Not an answer, but should settle the issue of the radius.
With the radius r=1+sqrt(5)
(easy to get!).
\def\cc{(2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;}
\fill[teal] (0,0) circle(\r);
\draw[fill=white] \cc;
\fill[green!50] (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\clip (-2,-2) rectangle (2,2);
\fill[purple!50] \cc;
\draw \cc;
Update. Now I realise that using fit
library is not suitable for this situation. In fact, smallest-circle problem is more complicated than direct calculating the above radius.
Another way without calculation is using library through
after finding out the tangent point as follows.
\path (0,0)--(1,2)--([turn]0:1) coordinate (M);
\node[circle through=(M),draw,fill=cyan] at (0,0) {};
\draw[fill=white] (2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;
Is it reasonable that the library through
is just for circle through
\path (0,0)--(1,2)--([turn]0:1) coordinate (M);
\draw[fill=violet!50] (0,0)
let \p1=(M) in circle({veclen(\x1,\y1)});
\draw[fill=white] (2,0) arc(270:90:1) arc(0:180:1) arc(0:-180:1) arc(90:270:1) arc(90:-90:1) arc(180:360:1) arc(180:0:1) arc(-90:90:1)--cycle;
You don't need to know the radius of the big circle
\tkzInterLC(O,X)(X,C) \tkzGetSecondPoint{F}
% or \tkzDefPointWith[colinear normed=at X,K=1](O,X) \tkzGetPoint{F}
\foreach \c/\t in {S/C,R/B,U/A,T/D}
\foreach \c/\t in {X/C,Y/B,Z/A,W/D}
\foreach \c/\t in {S/C,R/B,U/A,T/D}