How to draw up a hierarchical tree diagram for taxonomic classification

You can do this sort of tree easily with the tikz-qtree package:

In the code below, the labels are created using a tree with branches that are not actually drawn (using a style blank which sets [draw=none]). This ensures that they line up with the levels of the main tree. By putting two trees as nodes in a matrix we achieve a reasonable separation between the labels and the main tree.

\tikzset{edge from parent/.style=
{draw, edge from parent path={(\tikzparentnode.south)
-- +(0,-8pt)
-| (\tikzchildnode)}},
    [.Class  \edge[blank]; 
    [.Order  \edge[blank];
    [.Family \edge[blank]; 
    [.Genus ]]]]};
        [.Alteromonadaceae  {Glaciecola}  Alteromonas Agarivorans ] ]
    [.Vibrionales [.Vibrionacae Vibrio ]]]};\\


output of code

run with xelatex




enter image description here


