How to duplicate the behavior of predefined length/2 in SWI-Prolog?

In SWI-Prolog, the nondeterminism issue can be solved with CLP(FD)'s zcompare/3, which reifies the inequality to a term that can be used for indexing:

:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

my_length(Ls, L) :-
        zcompare(C, 0, L),
        my_length(Ls, C, 0, L).

my_length([], =, L, L).
my_length([_|Ls], <, L0, L) :-
        L1 #= L0 + 1,
        zcompare(C, L1, L),
        my_length(Ls, C, L1, L).

Your example is now deterministic (since recent versions of SWI-Prolog perform just-in-time indexing):

?- my_length(Ls, 3).
Ls = [_G356, _G420, _G484].

All serious Prolog implementations ship with CLP(FD), and it makes perfect sense to use it here. Ask your vendor to also implement zcompare/3 or a better alternative if it is not already available.

For a set of test cases, please refer to this table and to the current definition in the prologue. There are many more odd cases to consider.

Defining length/2 with var/nonvar, is/2 and the like is not entirely trivial, because (is)/2 and arithmetic comparison is so limited. That is, they produce very frequently instantiation_errors instead of succeeding accordingly. Just to illustrate that point: It is trivial to define length_sx/2 using successor-arithmetics.

length_sx([], 0).
length_sx([_E|Es], s(X)) :-
   length_sx(Es, X).

This definition is pretty perfect. It even fails for length_sx(L, L). Alas, successor arithmetics is not supported efficiently. That is, an integer i requires O(i) space and not O(log i) as one would expect.

The definition I would have preferred is:

length_fd([_E|Es], L0) :-
   L0 #> 0,
   L1 #= L0-1,
   length_fd(Es, L1).

Which is the most direct translation. It is quite efficient with a known length, but otherwise the overhead of constraints behind shows. Also, there is this asymmetry:

?- length_fd(L,0+0).
?- length_fd(L,0+1).
   L = [_A]
;  false.

However, your definition using library(clpfd) is particularly elegant and efficient even for more elaborate cases.. It isn't as fast as the built-in length...

?- time(( length_fd(L,N),N=1000 )).
% 29,171,112 inferences, 4.110 CPU in 4.118 seconds (100% CPU, 7097691 Lips)
   L = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H,_I|...], N = 1000
;  ... .
?- time(( my_len_clp(L,N),N=10000 )).
% 1,289,977 inferences, 0.288 CPU in 0.288 seconds (100% CPU, 4484310 Lips)
   L = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H,_I|...], N = 10000
;  ... .
?- time(( length(L,N),N=10000 )).
% 30,003 inferences, 0.006 CPU in 0.006 seconds (100% CPU, 4685643 Lips)
  L = [_A,_B,_C,_D,_E,_F,_G,_H,_I|...], N = 10000
;  ... .

... but then it is able to handle constraints correctly:

?- N in 1..2, my_len_clp(L,N).
   N = 1, L = [_A]
;  N = 2, L = [_A, _B]
;  false.
?- N in 1..2, length(L,N).
   N = 1, L = [_A]
;  N = 2, L = [_A, _B]
;  loops.


