How to dynamically get the values from Object Type and implement in Expansion panel Angular material?

Here is the updated (generic) version: StackBlitz

  • I have Updated the data to be more generic by adding data property instead of different property name for different types.

Here is the data look like now: = [{
          module: "Person Details",
          type: 'table',
          data: [
          module: "Current Location",
          type: 'horizontal-stepper',
          data: [
  • I have updated the template code and now you only need to pass data instead of different names for different types.
    <mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let module of data">

        <div  *ngIf="module.type==='table'">
            <div *ngFor="let moduleKey of getKeys([0])">
                <div > {{ moduleKey }} </div>
                <div> {{[0][moduleKey]}} </div>

        <div style="border-bottom:0;" *ngIf="module.type==='horizontal-stepper'">   
            <div [ngClass]="'col-xs-3' + getStatusClass(step, index," *ngFor="let step of; let index = index">
              <div><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>
              <div >{{step.step}}</div>
              <div class="bs-wizard-info text-center" *ngIf="isActive(step.status, index,">{{step.description}}</div>


I am not sure this will help you. But in angular, there is a way to iterate over the key-value pairs using keyValuePipe. With this, you will get the key without hardcoding. For example,

<ng-container *ngFor="let module of modules">
  <div *ngFor="let moduleKey of module|keyvalue">
   <!--you can have dynamic key such as moduledata|currentData etc-->