How to emit distinct values from MutableLiveData?

There is already in API : Transformations.distinctUntilChanged()


public static LiveData<X> distinctUntilChanged (LiveData<X> source)

Creates a new LiveData object does not emit a value until the source LiveData value has been changed. The value is considered changed if equals() yields false.

<<snip remainder>>

If we talk about MutableLiveData, you can create a class and override setValue and then only call through super if new value != old value

class DistinctUntilChangedMutableLiveData<T> : MutableLiveData<T>() {
    override fun setValue(value: T?) {
        if (value != this.value) {

You can use the following magic trick to consume "items being the same":

fun <T> LiveData<T>.distinctUntilChanged(): LiveData<T> = MediatorLiveData<T>().also { mediator ->
    mediator.addSource(this, object : Observer<T> {
        private var isInitialized = false
        private var previousValue: T? = null

        override fun onChanged(newValue: T?) {
            val wasInitialized = isInitialized
            if (!isInitialized) {
                isInitialized = true
            if(!wasInitialized || newValue != previousValue) {
                previousValue = newValue

If you want to check referential equality, it's !==.

But it has since been added to Transformations.distinctUntilChanged.