How to enable a global timeout for JUnit testcase runs?

Although JUnit Jupiter (i.e., the programming and extension model introduced in JUnit 5) does not yet have built-in support for global timeouts, you can still implement global timeout support on your own.

The only catch is that a timeout extension cannot currently abort test execution preemptively. In other words, a timeout extension in JUnit Jupiter can currently only time the execution of tests and then throw an exception if the execution took too long (i.e., after waiting for the test to end, which may potentially never happen if the test hangs).

In any case, if you want to implement a non-preemptive global timeout extension for use with JUnit Jupiter, here's what you need to do.

  1. Look at the TimingExtension example in the JUnit 5 User Guide for inspiration. You'll need code similar to that, but you'll want to throw an exception if the duration exceeds a configured timeout. How you configure your global timeout is up to you: hard code it, look up the value from a JVM system property, look up the value from a custom annotation etc.
  2. Register your global timeout extension using Java's ServiceLoader mechanism. See Automatic Extension Registration for details.

Happy Testing!

Check out my JUnit 4 extension library ( Among the features provided by this library is the ability to define a global timeout value, which will be automatically applied to each test method that doesn't already define a longer timeout interval.

This library uses the Byte Buddy byte code generation library to install event hooks at strategic points in the test execution flow of JUnit 4. The global timeout is applied when JUnit has created a test class instance to run an "atomic" test.

To apply the global timeout, the library replaces the original @Test annotation with an object that implements the @Test interface. This approach utilizes all of JUnit's native timeout functionality, which provides pre-emptive termination of tests that run too long. The use of native timeout functionality eliminates the need for invasive implementation or special-case handling, and this functionality is activated without touching a single source file.

All of the updates needed to install and activate global timeout support are in the project file (POM / build.gradle) and optional properties file. The timeout interval can be overridden via System property, which enables adjustments to be made from the command line or programmatically. For scenarios where timeout failures are caused by transient conditions, you may want to pair the global timeout feature with the automatic retry feature.

What you're probably looking for is not implemented:

Although, you can achieve the same results with simple inheritance.

Define an abstract parent class, like BaseIntegrationTest with the following @Rule field:

public abstract class BaseIntegrationTest extends RunListener {

    private static final int TEST_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT_VALUE = 10;

    protected Timeout globalTimeout = Timeout.seconds(TEST_GLOBAL_TIMEOUT_VALUE);


Then make it a parent for every test class within the scope. For example:

public class BaseEntityTest extends BaseIntegrationTest {

    public void init() {
        // init

    public void twoPlusTwoTest() throws Exception {
        assert 2 + 2 == 4;        

That's it.