How to enable mysqlnd for php?

I may be late with this but it could be of help to others. As already said elsewhere in the forum, if a call to a function like get_result complains that it is undefined, then php-mysqlnd need to be installed (this question). I realized that doing yum install (centos) will automatically reports that it wants to remove php-mysql and phpmyadmin; do not accept this as your phpmyadmin may not work after. Instead, use yum shell which will take the commands at once and gracefully handle the change over; do these in command line:

# yum shell
> remove  php-mysql
> install php-mysqlnd
> run
> quit

Now you may have to restart both the mariadb (most likely) and the httpd services.

yum install php-mysqlnd is only available on CentALT and maybe remi repos. Webtatic also has some good php repos as well. It is NOT on the default ones (I was using CentOS).

The ./configure command is part of the compilation process from source code.

You can either compile from source or install via package manager. I guess in your case the package manager is preferable.

As the package manager complains, you can’t have both php-mysql and php-mysqlnd installed.

So you can

yum remove php-mysql


yum install php-mysqlnd

Then check for success via

php -m | grep mysqlnd


php -i | grep mysqlnd

yum swap php-mysql php-mysqlnd